How to update blank status on Facebook?

Sometimes if you get bored or you had nothing to update on your wall post, you can try something new by posting a blank status on the wall post to have  fun with your friends. To do this you have to follow a simple and special trick, may be you can call it as Facebook cheat code as well, as given below:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile.
  2. Type “0” and click post.
  3. See the magic of this trick.
Have you ever noticed empty status on facebook like the picture below. Then you must be wandering how to do so? Not to worry I am here to provide a article on upadting empty status on facebook. Facebook is the largest social networking site all over the world. Thousands of people spend their time on facebook updating their status, reading others ,posting and viewing  photos and videos. The number of users in facebook is increasing rapidly. Previously I have provided a article to Get Free Recharge using Facebook and also to Send Free SMS using Facebook. I will be posting more Facebook Tips and Tricks soon and Today you will learn about  How to update empty status on facebook. Its just a small trick see below :
For updating empty status on facebook. You need to type    @[2:2: ]  in the status box in facebook


Anonymous said…
where the link for free recharge using facebook ??

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