Customize the Navigation pane

You can use the navigation pane (the left pane) to find files and folders and display links to frequently used folders and other items. You can also move or copy items to a destination in the navigation pane.
If you don't see the navigation pane on the left side of an open folder window, click Organize, point to Layout, and then click Navigation pane to display it.

To customize the navigation pane in Windows 7
1)In an open folder or library window, click Organize, and then click Folder and search options.
2)In the Folder Options dialog box, click the General tab, and then do one or both of the following:
  • To show all the folders on your computer in the navigation pane, including your personal folder, select the Show all folders check box, click Apply to see the change, and then click OK.
  • To automatically expand the navigation pane to the folder that's selected in the folder window, select the Automatically expand to current folder check box, and then click OK.
 Customizing the navigation pane in Windows 7
 More ways to customize your favorites in Windows 7

  • To add a folder, a saved search, a library, or even a drive as a favorite, drag it to the Favorites section in the navigation pane. Note: You can’t add individual file to Favorites, but you can add them to any folder in Favorites.
  • To change the order of favorites, drag a favorite to a new position in the list.
  • To restore the default favorites in the navigation pane, right-click Favorites, and then click Restore Favorite Links.
  • To view the folder where your favorites are stored, click Favorites in the navigation pane. Favorites are stored as shortcuts.
  • To remove a favorite, right-click the favorite, and then click Remove. This removes the favorite from the navigation pane—it doesn't delete the files or folders that the shortcut points to.
 The Favorites area of the navigation pane in Windows 7


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